
Making movies like the pros

Making movies like the pros doesn’t require a pricey camera rig or a tricked-out editing suite. Polarr 24FPS is an editing app for iPhone and iPad devices designed to “help amateur … creators build high-quality video.

The key features of this app:

  • Filter recommendation
  • Cinematic stabilization
  • Inertia-based zoom controls
  • “Beautification” effects

 It uses AI to recommend ‘cinematic’ filters. Built-in recommendation algorithms are 24FPS’ spotlight feature, without a doubt. They match regularly updated cinematic filters (in the form of lookup tables, or LUTs) inspired by popular movies with specific scenes, drawing principally on color preferences that the app’s AI engine learns with each use. 24FPS first susses out users’ preferences through an interactive quiz, and it continues to learn and refine its understanding of these preferences over time.

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